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May - What's new in the club?

06 June 2023

Mcdonald’s leads lobbying offensive against laws to reduce packaging waste in Europe

The EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste law proposes a ban on single-use packaging in restaurants and cafes by 2030, and an increase in reusables for takeaway food to 10 percent by 2030. But some brands including McDonald’s, Seda and Huhtumaki - which are two of McDonald’s key packaging producers - are opposing the ban. 

Government imposed regulations on single-use plastic packaging are extremely important as we collectively work together to fight against the plastic crisis. At CLUBZERØ, our vision is to create a future with zero waste relies on the cooperation of Governments, Food & Beverage brands and consumers moving to make a change. 

While convenience is important, our addiction to convenience is currently costing us our planet. We believe incremental change is needed to break through the barrier of convenience and better protect our planet. We believe the brands who understand this and choose to switch to a zero waste alternative today will benefit in the long-term.

Now, although it can be confusing, we want to keep the messaging and share with you the FACTS about CLUBZERØ's returnable packaging:

☁️ Uses 50% less CO2 emissions compared to single-use plastic packaging over its lifecycle* 

☕ Designed to be used a minimum of 250 times before being recycled (backed by our Lifecycle report)

♻️ Enjoys a 95-98% return rate across takeaway and delivery 

And that's just the start. At CLUBZERØ, we know that moving towards a zero waste solution is an essential step that Food and Beverage brands and their customers WILL take! 

Be part of the change today. Join the club. Go ZERØ waste >>

Want to know more about those lobbying against EU packaging laws? Read about it in DeSmog, Packaging Gateway and EUObserver.

Our club grows - with more Hosts!

We are happy to welcome 2 new Hosts to our Club:

  • Welcome, UCL East Campus
  • Benvenuto, Vandas Kitchen

Together with our new Hosts, we estimate to save 20,800+ items of single-use plastics from ending up in landfill annually!

Sign up to offer ZERØ waste lunches (breakfast and dinners) delivered directly to offices.

And what about our existing Hosts?

Customers have LOVED The Salad Kitchen, our Host of the Month, and they LOVED saving 580+ single-use plastic packaging from landfill and 9kg of CO2 emissions. 

Sign up to offer ZERØ waste lunches (breakfast and dinners) delivered directly to offices.

What we’re feasting on

Listening - The Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Circular Economy podcast dives into how brands are applying principles of Circular Design for Food to their products through low-impact, upcycled and regenerative systems - Listen here.

Watching - In May, we attended the first Innovation Zero, a clean tech event in London. The event focused on the action positioned between the policy focused COP events and how innovation is the best weapon in the fight against climate change. Watch here.

Reading - Overpackaging is the new trend that has more and more brands adding superfluous paper packaging on top of plastic packaging in order to make their products look more environmentally friendly, without actually reducing plastic waste. Read here.